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Construction Time Again

Started by RSS Feed Poster, January 22, 2020, 04:22:59 PM

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RSS Feed Poster

Construction Time Again

Even the fishtank got temporarily relocated to the bathroom.

Ahhh, 1996... 23 years ago.

It was the year that actors Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Hailee Stenfield were born. It was also the year that spawned the Macarena, gave us Jerry Maquire, Independence Day, Fargo, and ushered in the Tickle Me Elmo doll. was the biggest destination on the internet with 41% of folks checking the site regularly.

Also? It's the year Cyan moved into our headquarters just outside of Spokane, Washington. Which, according to our website is: "about 119 trillion miles from the nearest habitable planet."

Which is all a very long way around to my point, which is this: our building hasn't had new carpet, or a paint job since the doors opened 23 years ago. it was about time.

So, for the last few weeks the staff has been playing Tetris with our desks, computers, and belongings as we try to stay ahead of the carpet guys by moving in and out of various spaces in the building while they try to work around us... and we try to work around them.

23 year-old carpet and paint? Honestly, it really only looks like 22 years ago carpet to me. But one thing is not up for debate... Everybody around here really loves that new paint smell!

Things aren't quite finished up so I'll followup at some point with everything put back together and lookin' shiny, Captain... but here are some pictures of the destru... errr... construction in progress!

Source: Construction Time Again